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Workshop On Computer Hardware by KCIET Pandoga CSE Department

DATE: 5th November, 2014
TIME: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
VENUE: Expert System Lab (F-215)
TOPIC: Computer Hardware

NAME: Dr. B.S. Sandhu
DESIGNATION: Campus Director

'Tell me and I might remember, show me and I would never forget'....

The workshop on computer hardware is conducted by Er. Mandeep Kumar Kashyap, Asst. Prof. & Head in CSE Department on 5th November 2014 from 2PM to 4.00PM for the CSE 5th & 7th semester students.

The workshop was an informative session wherein the basic components of hardware and then the components were exhibited to the students to have a look and feel of it with a greater understanding of each. These lessons on components of computer hardware became more interesting with every component held at hand. There was a live installation process of each component of CPU (like SMPS, RAM, HDD, motherboard, etc.) which benefitted the students with the basic knowledge on each part of the CPU. He also demonstrated the assembling of the CPU with all its components. He also elaborated the features of the various kinds of CPU and RAM. The workshop ended with an open session where students clarified on various aspects of computer hardware.

Mr. Rohit Rattan (L/T CSE) was delivered lecture on computer hardware in this workshop.

Faculty Coordinators:

1. Er. Mandeep Kumar Kashyap (Asst. Prof & Head in CSE Department)

2. Er. Anjum Sharma (Asst. Prof CSE Department)

3. Er. Ankur Sharma (Lect. CSE Department)

4. Er. Sukhvider Kaur (Lect. CSE Department)

5. Er. Gurpreet Singh (Lect. CSE Department)

6. Mr. Rohit Rattan (L/I CSE)

7. Ms. Sharuti Sharma (L/I CSE)