Admission UNA-HP
Nawanshahr 9814966663 , 9814966664 Pandoga 9805095101 , 9805095107

Student Grievances Redressal Cell

PTU has established a Students’ Grievances Redressal Cell wherein the students can send their complaints regarding any issue faced by the students.


Students can contact the following in case of any complaint:



Sr. No Name and Designation Phone Number
1 Dr. RPS Bedi, Joint Registrar, Student Affairs 09478098007 (SMS only)
2 Naresh Kumar, Assistant Registrar 09478098028
3 Sanjay Sharma 09478098101


Email id:          

Postal Address :     Grievance Redressal cell,
                                    Joint registrar (student affairs) office
                                    Punjab Technical University

                                    Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway – 144601