Admission UNA-HP
Nawanshahr 9814966663 , 9814966664 Pandoga 9805095101 , 9805095107


Hostel Dues for the whole session will be charged at the time of admission. Dues once paid shall not be refunded.


All the residents of the hostels must follow the following rules & regulations.
For the smooth running of the hostels, the hostel administration may drop/modify the existing rules whenever required.
Violation of rules/regulations by the borders will lead to disciplinary action. This may range from simple warning to expulsion from the hostel & the institute.


The Hostel accommodation is allotted for a period of one year. However the student is allowed to either pay entire fee at the beginning of the year or in two installments. The students will be charged full fee for the year before granting permission to leave the hostel if required. Hostel accommodation is decided by the academics department. The boarders in all hostels have to pay fees & room rent regularly along with tuition fees in the beginning of the semester as notified by Academics Department. Non payment of any kind of fees will make him ineligible to appear in the University Examination. University examination forms shall be sent to the University only after clearing his/her college or hostel dues.

Administration & supervision of all the hostels rests with the Administrator Boys & Girls Hostel. The Wardens, caretaker & other administrative staff help the Administrator Boys & Girls Hostel in governing the day yo day activities of the hostels. The complete management of the Mess however shall be controlled by Principal KC College of Engg. & IT.

A hostel committee (consisting of residents) is constituted for every hostel. Hostel committee shall look after general matters related to hostel affairs.

Each hostel shall be under the control of the warden who has his/her office in the hostel concerned & is assisted by the caretaker in managing the day t- day matters of the concerned hostel.


Medical examination: Health Center provides medical attention to the hostel residents. Out-patient services are available at the Health Center. Students selected for admission into the Institute & hostels have to register with the Institute’s Health Center (Consulting Doctor) before joining the Hostel. An ambulance service is available for emergency purposes.

Residents must report about any chronic ailment to the consulting doctor. All residents shall get themselves medically examined by Consulting Doctor & submit a Medical Fitness Certificate to the hostel warden.


Every student who is allotted a room in a hostel is required to sign in the hostel joining register. Similarly, while vacating the hostel, they should sign in the vacating register available in the respective Hostels. Otherwise, the student will end up paying fines as fixed from time to time by the Institute.

Residents are expected to maintain a peaceful atmosphere & do not cause any inconvenience to others.

Ragging, teasing or physical assault are strictly prohibited. Anyone indulging in casuist & sexist remarks will be punished as per 1.3 above.

Carrying out any anti-national activities is banned.

Residents are strictly prohibited from smoking, keeping or consuming alcoholic drinks & involve in drugs abuse in the hostel rooms/premises. A defaulter will be taken to task as per 1.3 above.

A student reprehensive will be the in charge of the Reading & T.V. Room. TT Room will be under the control of the sports secretary of the hostel committee. Gym shall be controlled by a Gym Instructor.

Playing of the videocassettes in the TV Room is not allowed. TV volume should be kept to the minimum pitch to avoid disturbance to the nearby boarders.

Usage of personal TV is not permitted is Student rooms.

Music Systems & Computers are allowed to be used in the rooms, only if they are registered with the Hostel Admn. Office & an undertaking is given by the student for the proper use. A fixed amount will be paid by the student for usage of computer as decided by the administration.

Causing inconvenience to other residents by playing music to a high volume is strictly prohibited. Residents are advised to use ear-phones while using radio & other music players.

Men are not permitted to visit a resident in the rooms of Ladies’ Hostel & vice-versa. They can meet their friends & Visitor’s room of the respective Hostels.

Parents, Friends & Visitors are not permitted to stay in student’s rooms.

The institute is not responsible for providing boarding facilities to parents. They are advised to stay in appropriate hotels in the city & visit the residents during the day time

In case of sickness of a resident, if his/her parents want to stay with the resident, a request should be made to the concerned warden through the caretaker.

Any student found keeping unauthorized guests will be liable to a disciplinary action and/or fine as the case may be.

Hostel authorities reserve the right to deny entry or sty of any visitor(s) in the hostels.

Parents & relatives must inform the security guard about the intention of visiting the student. The security guard will inform the corresponding student & the student may take the parents/relatives to his room by entering in the visitors register. If the security guard objects the entry, they should consult the caretaker or warden. The parents/relatives must follow the security guard’s instructions. Failing the corresponding student may face severe disciplinary action.

Hostel residents are required to vacate their rooms at the request of the Warden/Caretaker during holiday if the Institute requires the accommodation for holding seminars/symposium etc. Alternate storage facilities for luggage will be provided in the respective hostels in such situations.

Residents should protect their personal property. They should be careful against thefts. Residents should lock their rooms without fail while they are outside the room even for a few minutes. The Institute authorities are not responsible for any loss of personal property of the residents. Residents are advised not to keep valuable articles/cash in the room. Residents may use facilities provided by the Bank & the post Office to keep their money/valuables in safe custody.

Residents are personally responsible for furniture & other fittings of the rooms allotted to them. In case of any loss or damage to the furniture, either by negligence or by willful breakage, the resident shall be liable to pay for repair/the cost of the items as may be decided by the Institute authorities. They are also responsible for the care & cleanliness of the rooms.

Residents are not allowed to shift any property (electric bulbs, chairs, news papers, magazines, etc) from the common hostel facilities to their own rooms. They are liable to be fined for the violation of this rule.

Residents should observe strict economy in the use electricity & water. They are required to switch off the light & fans as and when they leave their rooms, common room & dining hall.

Using of electric heater, immersion heaters in the rooms is strictly prohibited. Heavy load electric gadgets should not be used without prior permission. Residents guilty of misuse of electricity will be charged heavy fines.

Residents shall not put notices on the hostel notice boards or on the walls. Residents need to use only the specified places/boards for this purpose after taking permission of Hostel Warden.

Any student found outside the hostels or leaving the campus or entering into the Institute between 11.00 pm & 6.00 am may be subject to discretionary checks by the Security Staff of the Institute. The student must produce I.D. Card & enter his/her In/Out details in the Register available with Main Gate Security. The residents should cooperate with the security staff.

Institute authorities, especially the wardens & the caretaker reserve the right to make surprise checks in the hostels at any time (during the night & day).

Residents should park their vehicles, if permitted to retain a vehicle at the designated place.


Dusting/cleaning of the study table, almirah etc. is the responsibility of the student. Residents should not throw garbage or little in the corridors or hostel surroundings. Instead, they should use dustbins provided for this purpose at convenient places in the respective hostels.

Pasting or writing of objectionable material on the walls, in the notice boards, is strictly prohibited.

Playing with sports material inside the hostels is strictly prohibited.

Carrying cold drink bottles from canteen to hostel rooms are not permitted. Any violation on this will to penalty as decided by the warden.

Cooking or taking any type of meals by residents in the hostel rooms is strictly prohibited.

Change of Room/Hostel can be permitted only at the beginning of the academic year. Once a room is allotted, student can not exchange his/her room with another student without authorization by the concerned Hostel Warden. Request for change of hostel must be submitted by the student in writing only at the beginning of new academic year.


All the residents are required to vacate the hostel on completion of one year period & hand over the room along with items of furniture to the caretaker. The student must also sign a vacating register. Those who fail to do so in time will be charged for overstay as per existing rules. A “No due certificate” from the hostel Administration Office will be issued in a prescribe form.

Overstay is not allowed. However, on the merit of a case, the Administrator may grant special permission to a student to retain Hostel accommodation after expiry of his/her term for a specific period subject to availability of accommodation.

In concurrence with administration, the hostel warden may cancel the hostel allotment at a short notice and report the case to the disciplinary committee (when applicable) if a student.

Ceases to be a bonafide student of the Institute.
Does not join the mess for a period of two moths without prior permission of the concerned Warden.
In under disciplinary action initiated by the Institute authorities.
Completes the maximum permitted period of stay in hostels.
Keeps/consumes alcohol or narcotic drugs in the hostel room or enters into the hostel after consuming alcohol & shows a disorderly behavior or otherwise
Physical assault on another student/employee.
Indulges in making caste & indecent comments.
Violates the hostel rules.

No student is allowed to leave the hostel during the current academic session. However, under special circumstances he/she may be allowed to do the same, if his/her college or hostel dues are clear. & he /she has deposited all the articles provided to him/her at the time of admission.